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Custom Deployment CLI for Angular Projects


If you’re like me, and you get tired of uploading your Angular transpiled output to S3 manually, you’ve probably were thinking, “I really need to automate this.”

I have by using NPM or Yarn and made a custom “deploy” script on package.json.  I use yarn mostly, but NPM works too.

The following are used to get this done:

Angular Build Process

Just to recap, and you may already be doing this, but I use the following command to make a final “dist” build of my Angular project:

ng build --prod

This will output a final, minified, and optimized build of your project.  In the past, I used to take the contents of this folder and drag/drop it into an S3 client app.  I’ll get into details on this part of the automation.

Create S3 Bucket

We’ll need an S3 bucket to store our transpiled outpout.  Create a new S3 bucket:

Error Documents

Your new bucket is created, but we still need to an additional step in order for it to work on everyone’s browser.

You’re probably wondering: “Why am I setting error document to ‘index.html’???”.  Because you’re utilizing a Single Page Application (SPA) framework and route returns all go to index.html 😉

Bucket Policy

We also need to ensure that the bucket policy is set.  Do the following so that your contents are publicly “read” available:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKETNAME/*"

Type the name of your bucket in the BUCKETNAME as shown in green above.  From there, hit the save button.

CORS Configuration

Lastly, we need to set CORS to enable global read access to everyone on their browsers:

That was strange to me as well, but I believe it wasn’t originally set unless manually “saved” by the administrator.

AWS CloudFront

What is AWS CloudFront?

CloudFront is a global “Content Delivery Network.”  They have servers all over the world and can help offload static assets to CloudFront so your application doesn’t have to serve them.

This greatly reduces the disk usage of your Git repositories and caches images/videos/PDFs/etc.

Create Distribution

To create a CloudFront distribution, do the following:

Error Pages

Since your Angular app will be handling all routing, you need to designate the error pages to also point to index.html.  This is how to do this:

Local Development Environment Setup

Update: package.json

Add the following under the “scripts” directive of package.json:

"deploy": "ng build --prod && aws s3 rm s3://your-website --recursive && aws s3 cp ./dist s3://your-website --recursive && aws configure set preview.cloudfront true && aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id XXXXXXXXXXXXXX --paths '/*'"

Let’s break this down:


That’s it my fellow devs.  All that’s left is to run the following:

yarn deploy

Watch the magic happen 😉

Happy coding 🙂

p.s. You should probably inject at the beginning “ng test” to run Unit Tests against your application.

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