Excited to share that I’ve been awarded the Toastmasters Triple Crown for the 2023–2024 year [...]
I’ve held various leadership roles across multiple groups and faced a common challenge: how do [...]
I am thrilled to announce that I have earned the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) designation, a [...]
In my esteemed role as the Division B Director for Toastmasters District 57, I was [...]
Discover key insights from the Toastmasters District 57 Leadership Institute's VP of Membership session. Explore [...]
This is a supplement to the presentation I have just given at Toastmasters. In this [...]
I am absolutely thrilled to announce the successful completion and deployment of the District 57 [...]
I am so excited to share that I have finished the Toastmasters Pathways Persuasive Influence [...]
I finished the full Innovative Planning Pathway from Toastmasters! I remember starting on the Toastmasters [...]
I’ve just completed a Toastmasters speech on my level 4 project in the Pathway project: [...]
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